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App: JB WiFi Tether

  (251 votes)
Views: 1201
Category Productivity
Version:Varies with device
Requires os version:AndroidVaries with device
Size:Varies with device
Enable/disable WiFi tethering with one click. Fix an issue on Android 4.2.2 (Cyanognenmod, AOKP and maybe other ROMs) for some devices (i.e. Samsung Galaxy S2 branded vodafone).What it does:- Activate WiFi thether- Fix iptables not working rulesROOT required!!!Tested only on few devices.After uninstall, you need to reboot your device.Editing /files/iprules file (used by iptables standard command) you can build your own firewall.In any case, if you edit iprules file you need to keep the first line (#Version....) or the file will be generatedWARNING: Your mobile operator may charge you depending on you apn configuration. Check it.
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