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Category News & Magazines
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Join the New York conversation with the WNYC app. You'll hear live streams of the best news, commentary, cultural reporting, storytelling and music from the world of public radio. You can browse our on-demand shows, save them to your playlist and keep them for offline listening. With the new feature Discover, tell us what interests you and how much time you have and we’ll download for you a custom playlist of segments from the best shows in public radio. In addition, you can read the most timely, most talked-about local and national headlines from WNYC, NPR and other sources.

WNYC is the flagship public radio station of New York City. We produce a range of original and innovative programs and podcasts, including The Brian Lehrer Show, The Leonard Lopate Show, The Takeaway (a co-production with Public Radio International) and, from our newsroom, award-winning local and national reporting. Soundcheck, New Sounds and Spinning on Air feature exclusive performances from the new music scene, while Jonathan Schwartz is the voice of American standards.

We're also home to Radiolab, the Peabody Award-winning show that blurs the boundaries among science, philosophy and the human experience, and Freakonomics Radio, the popular podcast that explores "the hidden side of everything."

Other shows you'll find here include All Things Considered, Ask Me Another, Car Talk, Fishko Files, Food Fridays, Fresh Air, Here's the Thing With Alex Baldwin, Last Chance Foods, Morning Edition, Marketplace, Money Talking, Movie Date, New Tech City, On Being, On Point, Radio Rookies, Radiolab, Selected Shorts, Studio 360 , This American Life and The World.

WNYC is a listener-supported public radio station. Your financial support helps make possible our programming, broadcasting and digital innovation. You can find our donation form on the app menu.

The WNYC app was built by the digital media group of New York Public Radio.

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