Name: michelle
Age: 48
Sex: Female
Country: United States
Proud owner of: Motorola i85s/i50sx/i55sr
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About me

Name: michelle
Sex: Female
Age: 48
Status: Married
Country: United States United States
Member since: March 2010
Last update: 14.05.2011 07:17

My Phone

Motorola i85s/i50sx/i55sr

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MyTinyphone have selected this phone 773th most popular phone on site!

164 users have this phone

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Favorite activities:
Wife,Mom of two wonderful kids,care taker to Mia 9 our white pitt bull, Precious 1 our bichon, Gypsy our stay that adopted Precious then me, and last but not least MY blue frounted amazon Pablo 6...Cleaning up and taking care of everybody usually complete
MUSIC I love music...Creating cloths from worn old cloths...Leaving the country and returning to the city every chance I get! Love a dirt road but can get pretty boring a lot of times too!
Favorite music:
Favorite movies:
All time would be The Horse Whisper then Diseney Classics
Favorite TV Shows:
Crime shows. New fav. Swamp people!
Favorite games:
My wii and ps2 and psp but I broke the screen...opps
Favorite Books:

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