Name: Lisa
Age: 47
Sex: Female
Country: United States
Proud owner of: LG LG900G
My slogan: Education is the key to preserving our world and all that is in it!
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About me

Name: Lisa
Sex: Female
Age: 47
Occupation: employed
Status: Single
Country: United States United States
Hometown: Tennessee
Member since: August 2012
Last update: 16.10.2012 06:11

My Phone


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MyTinyphone have selected this phone 216th most popular phone on site!

780 users have this phone

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Favorite activities:
Cancer Advocacy, Domestic Violence & Family Crisis Advocacy, Animal Rights & Wildlife Advocacy, Nature Preservation, Homeschooling my son, Fundraising, Awareness, & Education. I also enjoy hiking & walking nature trails,parks, camping, fishing,boating,etc
I love helping animals/wildlife, helping people in various ways from cancer support to domestic violence & family crisis support. I also love to do my part in preserving & restoring nature and our environment! Just ask if you want to know anything else!
Favorite music:
I love all different types of music in English and Espanol. I also enjoy and appreciate listening to music in other cultures and languages as well, music is peaceful and relaxing to the soul no matter what language it may be in!
Favorite movies:
I love, love, love horror movie! The scarier the movie~the better I will like it! lol! I also enjoy watching comedy movies too, and from time to time I will watch an action or drama movie, or you know those tear jerking movies, lol! :])
Favorite TV Shows:
I love a wide range of t.v shows from ID channel, Biography,History,TLC,A&E,Discovery,& many more on these channels too numerous to mention on here,lol!!
Favorite games:
I like a wide & diverse variety of games on Facebook, from Farmville, to cityville & many others that are similar to those!!
Favorite Books:
I love to read educational books as I enjoy learning all that I can about anything and everything! :])

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